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Blephex Blepharitis Eye Care Treatment

Blepharitis occurs when scurf and bacterial debris begin to build up along the eyelid margin. This debris can also cause inflammatory lid disease, which leads to dry eyes, burning eyes, fluctuating vision, foreign body sensation, mattering, crusting and other symptoms. Another cause of the blepharitis is clogged glands along the eyelid margin, which can eventually cause chronic eyelid inflammation and permanent damage to the eyelids and tear glands. BlephEx is a simple office procedure, in which we use a small rotating sponge soaked in a special eyelid cleaning solution to quickly clean away and exfoliate this debris and help unclog the glands, so more tears can be produced.RSZblephexDevice

Blephex is a first of its kind treatment for blepharitis, offering faster relief, with significantly less patient reliance than traditional methods. Dr. Rosen comments, “In the past, we would ask patients to apply heat for 15 to 20 minutes once or twice a day, followed by scrubbing with a rough washcloth. Unfortunately, this method of treatment can take up to several weeks for the patient to get relief and patients would typically give up before they got there. Worse still, even if they would diligently follow the prescribed treatment, results varied widely, and were usually not as good as we can accomplish with Blephex. Now, with Blephex, we have a method that provides relief much more quickly and effectively. Now, if we ask a patient to use heat or eyelid cleansers, it is to build on the relief they are already experiencing.”

Dr. Rosen recommends that anyone who experiences the symptoms of blepharitis such as itching or scratchy eyes, Foreign body sensation, tearing, crusting, redness, mattering, dry eyes or eye rubbing, should be evaluated, and may be a good candidate for blephex treatment. The procedure is very simple for patients, involving a small drop of anesthetic in the eyes, and a slight tickling sensation as the sponge moves over the eyelids.

For more information about how Blephex can help you, contact Dr. Rosen Optometry, your Vision Source eye doctor in St. Louis MO today.